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Trigger Events Extension

With the Trigger Events extension, you can:

  1. Display your If-So triggers’ content as pop-up
  2. Display the content of your dynamic triggers to users when they perform specific on-page actions like clicking, scrolling, exit intent, and more.
  3. Load triggers across all website pages
Trigger Events

Display your If-So triggers’ content as a pop-up

Creating Pop-Ups with If-So is quick and easy. Each If-So trigger can become a pop-up by adding a simple parameter to the trigger’s shortcode.

To create your first pop-up, simply:

  1. Make sure you have the Trigger Events extension installed and active
  2. Add the parameters ajax=”yes” and display=”modal” to the trigger’s shortcode.

The shortcode below is an example of a shortcode with the parameters:

[ifso id="777" ajax="yes" display="modal"]

Learn more about creating dynamic pop-ups using If-So

Display the content of your dynamic triggers to users when they perform specific on-page action

On-page actions that can be used to trigger the content:

Click 1




Inactivity 1


Delay 1


Exit intent

Exit Intent

  • Click
  • Scroll
  • Inactivity
  • Delay
  • Exit intent

To set up events for displaying content, all you need to do is to add the relevant event parameter to the trigger shortcode:


Display content after a visitor clicks on an element with a specific class or ID.

Add the parameter eventType=”click” and the ID/CSS selector of the clicked element target=”#elementID”

Example – Click event based on the element class

[ifso id="123" ajax="yes" eventType="click" target="#elementID"]

Example – Click event based on the element ID

[ifso id="123" ajax="yes" eventType="click" target=".elementClass"]

Re-open the pop-up after closing

By default, the “eventType” parameter allows users to open the pop-up only once. If you want to allow the user to re-open the pop-up, add the parameter openbtn=”#elementID” to the trigger’s shortcode. The value of the parameter should be the ID or the Class name of the element you want to use to re-open the pop-up (if you want, the value can be similar to the value of the “target” parameter).

Example – Pop-up that opens unlimited time when an element with the Class “myOpeningElement” is clicked on.

[ifso id="123" ajax="yes" eventType="click" target=".myOpeningElement" openbtn=".myOpeningElement"]


Display content to visitors after they begin scrolling the page. 

Add the parameter eventType=”scroll”

[ifso id="123" ajax="yes" eventType="scroll"]


Display content after the visitor has not moved the cursor for a certain amount of time.

Eg. Display text that says “Still there?”

Add the parameter eventType=”inactivity” and the parameter time=”30″ (seconds)

[ifso id="123" ajax="yes" eventType="inactivity" time="30"]


Display content to visitors after a certain amount of time has elapsed after loading the page.

Eg. Display an arrow directing a visitor where their shopping cart is located.

Add the parameter eventType=”delay” and the parameter delay=”10″ (seconds)

[ifso id="123" ajax="yes" eventType="delay" delay="10"]

Exit Intent

Display content to visitors when they hover the cursor outside of the browser window.

Eg. Display text that says, “Parting is such sweet sorrow”.

Add the parameter eventType=”exit-intent”

[ifso id="123" ajax="yes" eventType="exit-intent"]

The add a cookie on click shortcodes allows you to add a cookie to the users’ browser and redirect them to a different page if they click an element once or numerous times.

[ifso_onclick_redirect  url='' clicks='3' cookie_name='hello' cookie_value='world' expires='3600' ]Click here 3 times to see the result[/ifso_onclick_redirect]

Shortcode parameters:

URL: The URL the user will be redirected to after clicking the element

clicks: The number of times the element should be clicked

cookie_name: The name of the cookie that will be created

cookie_value: The value of the cookie that will be created

expires: The cookie expiration in minutes

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