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The Conditions

The Cookie Condition

Display dynamic content based on cookie name, value, or both

The cookie condition allows you to showcase dynamic content to users who visit your site, based on a cookie’s name, value, or both.

Moreover, in addition to presenting cookie-driven dynamic content, If-So offers various code-free options for establishing and modifying cookies on the user’s browser side. Notably, the cookie condition operates with any form of cookie, regardless of its source.

This condition can be effectively employed to engage users in accordance with their prior interactions with your site, enabling you to provide a more tailored experience for your visitors.

With If-So you can easily display dynamic content based on a cookie name, a cookie value, or both. The value can be either text or a number.

Cookie Name:  Fill in the cookie name field and leave the cookie value field blank. The dynamic content will be displayed if a cookie with the exact name exists in the user’s browser, regardless of its value.

Cookie Value:  Fill in the cookie value field and leave the name field blank. The dynamic content will be displayed if a cookie with the exact value exists in the user’s browser, regardless of its name

Cookie Name and Cookie Value:  Fill in both the cookie name and the cookie value. The dynamic version will be displayed only if the cookie in the user’s browser matches both the name and value you have set.

*Elementor or Gutenberg user? This condition can be used to set up a conditional element or block (Learn more: Gutenberg | Elementor).

  1. On your WordPress dashboard, go to “If-So → Add New Trigger”
  2. Click on “Select a condition” and select “Cookie“.
  3. Choose an operator: Text Value Is / Text Value Is Not / Numeric Value Is More Than / Numeric Value Is Less Than.
  4. Type in the Cookie Name and/or Cookie Value
  5. In the content field, set the content to be displayed if the cookie condition you have set is met.
  6. In the default content field, set content to be displayed if the condition is not met (optional, can be left blank).
  7. Press “Publish” and paste the shortcode generated by If-So wherever you want it to go.

Add or remove cookies using shortcodes

If-So allows you to add, remove, or change a value of a cookie when users click a certain element or visit a certain page.

To add or remove a cookie with a text value when the user visits a page, simply paste the following shortcodes on the relevant page:

Adding a cookie

[ifso-add-cookie name='COOKIE_NAME' value='COOKIE_VALUE' time='3600']
  • Make sure to replace ‘COOKIE_NAME’ and ‘COOKIE_VALUE’ with a name and value of your choice.
  • The time parameter controls the cookie expiration time (in seconds, 3600 sec = 1 hour; 86400 = 1 day).

Removing a cookie using a shortcode

[ifso-remove-cookie name='COOKIE_NAME']

Replacing the value of an existing cookie

A cookie value will be replaced if a shortcode with a different cookie value is rendered.

Learn more about assigning a cookie using a shortcode.

Set a cookie with a name of your preference and a value of “1” when the visitor encounters the shortcode for the first instance.

Every subsequent encounter with the shortcode will result in the value incrementing by 1.

[ifso-add-cookie name='COOKIE_NAME' increment='yes'  time='3600']
  • Make sure to replace ‘COOKIE_NAME’ and ‘COOKIE_VALUE’ with a name and value of your choice.
  • The time parameter controls the cookie expiration time (in seconds, 3600 sec = 1 hour; 86400 = 1 day).

To learn how to add a cookie on click using HTML, click here.

Assigning a cookie upon element click is an extra functionality added by our Trigger Events extension (download).

Adding a cookie on click is done using a wrapping shortcode. You can choose if you only want to add a cookie when users click the element, or if you also want to redirect them to a different page in addition.

[ifso_onclick_redirect  clicks='1' cookie_name='hello' cookie_value='awesome' expires='3600' ]Click here to add a cookie[/ifso_onclick_redirect]

Shortcode parameters:

clicks: The number of times the element should be clicked

cookie_name: The name of the cookie that will be created

cookie_value: The value of the cookie that will be created

expires: The cookie expiration in minutes

URL: Add a URL parameter to the shortcode to redirect users to a different page after clicking the element (in addition to adding the cookie).

[ifso_onclick_redirect  url='' clicks='3' cookie_name='hello' cookie_value='world' expires='3600' ]Click here 3 times to see the result[/ifso_onclick_redirect]

Displaying dynamic content based on a browser session

The exact same logic described for the cookie condition applies if you want to display content based on a browser session (Simply select “Session” instead of “Cookie” when you set up the condition).


the cookie condition

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  • How can I add a cookie on click using HTML?

    The following code creates a button that adds a cookie with the name ‘test-cookie-on click’ and the value ‘clicked’ when clicked.

    This code can be applied to any HTML element.

    The cookie duration in this code is 307584000000 seconds (365 days). Feel free to change the value to fit your requirements.

    <button onclick="
      let cookieName = 'test-cookie-on click'
      let cookieValue = 'clicked'
      let cookieExpireTime = 307584000000
      setCookie(cookieName, cookieValue, cookieExpireTime)
      function setCookie(name,value,time) {
        var expires = ''
        if (time) {
          var date = new Date()
          date.setTime(date.getTime() + time)
          expires = '; expires=' + date.toUTCString()
        document.cookie = name + '=' + (value || '')  + expires + '; path=/'
      Add a Cookie


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