Geolocation Plans


Start for Free!

First 250 monthly sessions are free. Extra monthly sessions packages start at $5 per month.

A pro If-So license is not required if only want to use the geolocation conditon!

  • Monthly
  • Annually
Geo Basic
Sale $10
10K monthly sessions Monthly subscription
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Free Version
250 monthly sessions
Geo Pro
Sale $20
35K monthly sessions Monthly subscription
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Geo Super
Sale $56
100K monthly sessions Monthly subscription
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Super +
Sale $84
Sale $112
Sale $168
Sale $224
Sale $280
All Features Included One year of support & updates
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Geo Basic
Sale $8.5
10K monthly sessions Yearly subscription
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Free Version
250 monthly sessions
Geo Pro
Sale $16.5
35K monthly sessions Yearly subscription
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Geo Super
Sale $36
100K monthly sessions Yearly subscription
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Super +
Sale $56
Sale $72
Sale $108
Sale $144
Sale $180
Sale $216
Sale $252
Sale $288
Sale $324
Sale $360
All Features Included One year of support & updates
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🎁 Lock the price for a lifetime!
The discount applies to all future renewals!

Efficient session counting!

A session is only counted when a user visits a page triggered by geolocation.

Only one session is counted when the user browses different pages.

Asked Questions
  • Can the country or city of the visitor be easily displayed using a shortcode?

    Certainly! With our geolocation Dynamic Keyword Insertion (DKI) shortcode, you can effortlessly achieve this.

    For instance, if you want to showcase the user's country, you can use the following shortcode:

    [ifsoDKI type='geo' show='country']

    Similar shortcodes are available to display the user's country flag, state, city, and event time calculated based on the user's timezone.

    For all available DKI shortcodes

  • Do I need the Pro version of If-So to use the geolocation service?

    Nope, you don't need the Pro version of If-So to make use of the geolocation service.

    The geolocation condition comes with the free version of the plugin, and you get 250 monthly sessions with our premium IP-to-location API for accurate results (for lifetime).

    If your website requires additional sessions, you can opt for one of our geolocation plans.

    You don't have to buy a Pro license along with a geolocation plan if you only want to use the geolocation condition.

  • Is the Geolocation service 100% accurate?

    We strive for maximum accuracy by utilizing a premium, highly accurate IP-to-location API.

    However, it's important to note that no geolocation service can guarantee 100% accuracy. Several factors influence the accuracy of the location data, with the ISP of the IP address being a key factor. Accuracy is generally higher for fixed lines than it is for cellular networks.

    If you come across any inaccuracies, please report them to us, and we will ensure that the database is updated accordingly.

    Gain a deeper understanding of IP-based geolocation services and their operational principles

  • Which service is used for geolocation-based content in If-So?

    If-So utilizes the premium IP-to-location API for geolocation-based content. This database has shown high accuracy compared to similar databases.

    The database is regularly updated to ensure the most up-to-date information. If you come across any inaccuracies, please report them to us, and we will ensure that the database is updated accordingly.

    We also have plans to introduce at least one additional option for geolocation services in the future. This will allow you to switch between different options based on your preferences and requirements.

  • Can users self-select their location?

    Absolutely! You can implement a manual user location selection form (location override) that empowers users to choose a different location than the one automatically detected by our IP-to-location service.

    Dynamic content will be displayed based on the user's selection. For additional information, please refer to our detailed guide.

  • Do I need to disable the geolocation service if I'm not using the geolocation condition?

    No, there's no need to disable the geolocation service. The geolocation functionality will only be active if you set up location-based content.