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The Query StringDynamic KeywordInsertion (DKI)Shortcode

Display the value of any query string (URL parameter) using our simple Query String DKI shortcode.


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On this page

  • Use cases
  • The shortcode
  • Fallback value
  • Adding “before and after” values
  • Persistence (showing the value on other pages)

Use Cases:

  • Include the name of visitors arriving from your email campaigns (learn more).
  • Display the word that was used to trigger your Google Ads ad (learn more)
  • Display personalized CTA’s to your cold email recipients.

The Query String DKI shortcode

Displaying the value of a query string is extremely simple. All you have to do is to paste the shortcode below on your site, and replace the parameter name with the name of the parameter you defined.

[ifsoDKI type="querystring" parameter="_name"]

The above shortcode will display the value of the parameter “_name”. For example, if the page URL is!, the word Cool! Will be displayed.

Displaying a fallback instead when the parameter is not a part of the URL

By default, the query string DKI shortcode will not display anything if the parameter doesn’t exist in the URL. If you want to display a different value, you can simply add the parameter fallback=”something” to the shortcode. For example:

[ifsoDKI type="querystring" parameter="_name" fallback="something"]

Using more than a single Query String DKI shortcode on the same page

You can use the Query String DKI shortcode as many times as you want on the same page. If you want to include more than one parameter in the URL, make sure to separate the parameters with an “&” sign. eg.

Persistent values (Display the same value when users keep browsing the site)

If you want to display the output of the query-string DKI shortcode when users browse other pages on your site, add the parameter persist=”yes” to the DKI shortcode. For example:

[ifsoDKI type="querystring" parameter="_name" fallback="something" persist="yes"]

Once a dynamic value is displayed by the DKI shortcode (not fallback content), the value will be “remembered” and displayed throughout the visit session.

Both the DKI shortcode that users encounter first and the one they encounter on other pages should include the persist parameter.

Insert values before and/or after the DKI shortcode

Use the parameters “Before” and “After” to display content before and/or after the dynamic value (not fallback content) of the DKI shortcode. For example:

[ifsoDKI type="querystring" parameter="_name" fallback="" before="Hi " after="!"]

Parameters to Avoid Using

Some parameters are reserved by WordPress and may cause an error when used in a URL. Click here for a list of all the reserved WordPress parameters.

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