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Wrapping shortcode

While wrapping shortcode isn’t exactly a stand alone feature, however, over time, many users have pointed out to us the functionality capability, so we developed this functionality. We know this isn’t the prettiest snippet of code you’ll ever see, but don’t worry. we’ll be sure to make it cuter in the future!

While you can use this shortcode on any page, it just so happens to be a great fit for Content Creators using Oxygen XML Editor.

All you need to do in order to implement this function is add the snippet of shortcode to your page. Remember to manually replace the highlighted values to generate your custom shortcode.

Here are a few places where text wrapping shortcode can be used:

  1. Page URL
  2. Device type
  3. Geolocation
  4. Dynamic link

How will this functionality help my site?

In addition to making your content look more streamlined, In addition, when using this functionality with the Page URL condition, you can set dynamic content to show your users a specific campaign, or even address them personally by adding a welcome message with their name when they view the desired content.

Here’s an example of the code you’d need to use if you are choosing the Page URL condition:

[ifso_condition rule='{\"trigger_type\":\"PageUrl\",\"page-url-compare\":\"\",\"page-url-operator\":\"contains\",\"page-url-ignore-case\":true,\"recurrence-override\":false}' default='def']CONTENT IF CONDITION IS MET[/ifso_condition]

In green, we see the value that needs to be substituted for “Page URL”, so place it there. Next, the text highlighted in grey represents the dynamic content field, so paste your content there.

For device type, you can show content based on the device your customer is viewing from:

[ifso_condition rule='{\"trigger_type\":\"Device\",\"user-behavior-device-mobile\":0,\"user-behavior-device-tablet\":1,\"user-behavior-device-desktop\":1}' default='def']User On tablet or desktop[/ifso_condition] //Device. 1 - yes, 0 -no

The Device Condition allows you to show visitors content based on whether they are visiting your site from a desktop or mobile device. You can show one version of content to mobile device users, and a completely different version of content to desktop users.

With the Geolocation condition, you can show content based on the location of the user:

[ifso_condition rule='{\"trigger_type\":\"Geolocation\",\"geolocation_behaviour\":\"is\",\"geolocation_data\":\"COUNTRY!!Italy!!IT^^COUNTRY!!Spain!!ES\"}' default='def']User is in Italy or Spain[/ifso_condition]

Based on the locations selected, users visiting the website from Italy and Spain will see customized content. All other visitors to the site who are not from Italy and Spain will be shown the default content.

To display dynamic content based on User Behavior, use this code:

def //Logged in

In the User Behavior condition, the dynamic content you selected will be displayed when the user is logged in.

The wrapping shortcode functionality can be very useful in managing the look and feel of the content on your pages.

If you use this function, please take a minute and tell us about it…we’d love to hear your story!

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